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Skin tags are small, fleshy growths that can pop up anywhere on the body. While they are mostly harmless, they can be a source of discomfort or embarrassment, particularly if they are in a visible area. In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes of skin tags and discuss some treatment options to get rid of them for good.


What Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags, also called acrochordons, are small, soft, flesh-colored growths that appear on the surface of the skin. They can range in size from a few millimeters to over an inch in diameter and may be smooth or slightly wrinkled. Skin tags are usually painless but can become irritated or inflamed if they are constantly rubbing against clothing or jewelry


What Causes Skin Tags?

The exact cause of skin tags is still unknown, but they are thought to be caused by friction or rubbing in areas where skin folds or creases. This is why skin tags are most commonly found on the neck, under the arms, in the groin area, and under the breasts. They are also more common in people who are overweight or have diabetes. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also cause skin tags to form.


Pregnancy and Skin Tags

Pregnancy can cause a number of changes in the body, including an increase in hormones which may lead to the formation of skin tags. Skin tags are small, fleshy growths that can appear anywhere on the body and are usually painless but can become irritated or inflamed if they are constantly rubbing against clothing or jewelry. Pregnant women may notice an increase in skin tag growth due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, particularly around areas where there is friction such as under the arms, neck, groin area and breasts. While these skin tags usually resolve themselves after childbirth, some women may wish to have them removed for aesthetic reasons.


How Are Skin Tags Treated?

Generally, we recommend seeing your dermatologist to safely remove skin tags. Your dermatologist may use liquid nitrogen to freeze off the skin tag or use a small scalpel to remove it. These methods are quick and effective.

Skin tags may be a common nuisance, but the good news is that there are a variety of treatment options available to get rid of them for good. If you are considering having a skin tag removed, be sure to consult with your dermatologist to determine the best course of action for you. With the right treatment, you can enjoy clearer, smoother skin once again.


To schedule a consultation or medical dermatology appointment please call us at 713.850.0240 or schedule online here.