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While pregnancy and motherhood are, undoubtedly, some of the greatest joys in life, they can bring about changes to a woman that she’d rather not have. At SBA Dermatology in Houston, TX we are here to help women get their pre-pregnancy bodies back.

Whether you can’t seem to get rid of the extra weight, have stretch marks that hold you back from wearing the bathing suit of your dreams, or are experiencing sagging breasts or wrinkly skin around your stomach, plastic surgeon Dr. Ryan Couvillion is here to help you look like your former self.

If you’re considering a mommy makeover, here are seven facts you should know.

  1. Wait until you’re done having kids. A mommy makeover is designed to help you get your pre-pregnancy body back. If you’re thinking of having more children or think you might consider it at another time in life, it would be wise to wait until your childbearing season of life is complete. To get pregnant after a mommy makeover could undo the effects of your procedures and would leave you back where you started. We’re here for you when you’re ready!
  2. Mommy makeovers are one-of-a-kind and designed to meet your specific needs. Mommy makeovers are designed with you in mind. Most mommy makeovers include a tummy tuck and a breast procedure (typically a breast augmentation or lift — or even a combination of both). However, you can add in liposuction, injectables like BOTOX®, or any other procedure that will help you feel like, well, you again!
  3. You should be at your ideal weight before you have your mommy makeover. A mommy makeover will help you tone up and look great; however, you will have a better healing process if you’re at your ideal weight and have already introduced diet and exercise into your life. Don’t worry about being super skinny, just be at a weight you can manage and maintain. Between that and your mommy makeover, you’ll be looking and feeling great!
  4. The length of your mommy makeover will vary. The length of your mommy makeover will be dependent on what procedures you’re having done. However, you’re safe to assume your body contouring procedures will take anywhere from 4 – 5.5 hours.
  5. Plan to take a few weeks for recovery. Mommy makeover recovery timelines vary from person to person. Because they include multiple procedures, you’ll need to make sure you’re taking the necessary time to recover. While your pain and discomfort should be gone after about a week, it’ll be between 7 – 10 days before you can drive, and up to four weeks before you’re back to feeling like your normal self and are able to exercise.
  6. The best time to have a mommy makeover depends on your schedule. Many of our Houston, TX patients ask when the best time is to have their mommy makeover procedure done, and the answer is not cut-and-dry for each person. The answer is simply: whenever it’s best for you. You will need help with the day-to-day care of your children for a bit, so you’ll want to plan for a time when you can have a family member or friend stay to help you or when your spouse can take some time off work.
  7. Mommy makeovers aren’t as painful as they seem. Yes, you will experience some post-op discomfort, but at our state-of-the-art facility, we offer the latest technologies and techniques, along with pain medications, so you likely won’t feel as bad as you think you might while you recover.

Lastly, it's important to know that mommy makeovers can be for any woman who'd like to make multiple changes to her body and are not just for women who've had children.

Rock mom life with a pre-mom body

Don’t let baby weight, sagging breasts, stretch marks, or other post-pregnancy side effects keep you from living your best life. At SBA Dermatology in Houston, TX plastic surgeon Dr. Ryan Couvillion can help you get your body back so you can stop worrying about what you look like in your favorite bikini, fit back into your favorite jeans, and run around with your little ones. Give us a call today at 713.850.0240 x. 1146 or book here!

Meet Dr. Couvillion

Dr. Ryan Couvillion is an experienced Houston, TX plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures for the breasts, body, face, and skin. A native Houstonian, Dr. Couvillion has been recognized for his passion and dedication in achieving the best possible results for his patients and is proud to return to Houston and build his practice in his hometown. His drive to pursue training in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery began at a young age, and he is honored to have been mentored by some of the nation’s most recognized surgeons. Read his full bio here.