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Facial Fat Grafting



Nowadays, there are different options to restore the volume and contours of your face; however, facial fat grafting is growing in popularity because of its natural-looking and long lasting results. Lost volume, most commonly caused by aging, is usually most pronounced in the areas around the cheeks, eyes, and jawline. Facial fat grafting is used to minimize some of the more typical signs of aging as it restores the volume of a youthful face by using your natural fatty tissue. By taking excess fat from areas of your body, plastic surgeon Dr. Ryan Couvillion can re-inject the purified fat to the desired areas of your face for beautiful, lasting results. With facial fat grafting, you don't just see a more youthful facial appearance, you can also improve the contours of your body. To learn more about facial fat grafting, contact SBA Dermatology & Plastic Surgery in Houston, TX to schedule a consultation.


A fat transfer may be right for you if you wish to add natural volume to your facial features without the use of injectable dermal fillers. Fat may also be used to reduce the visibility of acne scars and improve sunken areas of your face. You may also enhance your cheeks and lips for a rejuvenated appearance. With results similar to an injectable dermal filler, such as Juvéderm, a facial fat transfer is a great choice if you'd like longer-lasting results. In order to be a good candidate for a facial fat transfer, you need to have enough extra fat on your body to fulfill your goals.

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Facial fat grafting is a two-step procedure that includes liposuction and injection. Since only a minimal amount of fat is removed and grafted, Dr. Couvillion usually uses twilight or local anesthesia. To start, Dr. Couvillion will use liposuction to extract fat, which may be taken from your flanks, abdomen, or hips. Once the fat is removed, it will be processed and then placed in syringes. Dr. Couvillion uses precise injection techniques to provide the most controlled results. Depending on your treatment plan, fat may be injected into your lips, cheeks, and/or under your eyes for a natural increase of volume in that area.


Following your fat grafting procedure, your liposuction incisions will be sutured before you're sent to recovery. Dr. Couvillion or a member of his team will apply wound coverings and compression garments and monitor your vitals until you can be safely taken home by a friend or family member. Before your surgery, Dr. Couvillion will let you know what to expect during your recovery and how you can expedite your healing. Follow-up appointments will need to be made at our Houston, TX office so Dr. Couvillion can assess your recovery and progress. Your recovery will vary based on how much fat was taken and transferred, but you need to plan to spend a few weeks resting and recovering. Right away, you may feel uncomfortable with swelling and bruising in the liposuction site(s) and the transfer site(s). You might see some improvements right away in your face; however, it is going to take a few weeks before you can see your final results. A small amount of fat might be reabsorbed by your body, but with appropriate care, your results can last for many years.


How much does facial fat grafting cost?

The cost for a fat graft will include the liposuction to remove fat and will vary, depending on the amount of volume being transferred. Following a complete examination, Dr. Couvillion will decide how much fat is required to achieve your goals and develop a personal treatment plan. After this, he can start to calculate costs, like anesthesia and facility fees. To make your facial fat grafting easier to afford, SBA Dermatology & Plastic Surgery takes several payment methods and can help you find low-interest medical financing.

Should I get a dermal filler or fat transfer?

Both a facial fat graft and an injectable wrinkle filler (Juvéderm, for example) may improve the visibility of fine lines and static wrinkles while also restoring volume to your face. Although wrinkle fillers may create great results, a fat transfer often lasts longer. If you need help deciding how much volume you want and in which areas, Dr. Couvillion might recommend using wrinkle fillers.

Can facial fat grafting be combined with another procedure?

A fat transfer to the face may be performed with another procedure, like a wrinkle relaxer (BOTOX) or a facial treatment. A fat transfer is also a good way to enhance another cosmetic surgery. A fat graft will increase the volume of facial areas to improve the balance and proportion of your appearance during a facelift, chin implant, or cheek enhancement. Talk to Dr. Couvillion in your consultation about all your needs and wants so he can develop a comprehensive plan with non-surgical and surgical procedures that help to reach all of your aesthetic goals.

How long does facial fat grafting take?

The procedure time for a facial fat transfer will depend on the amount of fat being taken, plus the volume required to reach your goals. Once your treatment plan is developed in your initial consultation, Dr. Couvillion will discuss what you can expect, including how long it will take. He takes his time to carefully graft even layers of fat with advanced techniques so your outcomes are natural.

Which areas of the face can be improved with fat grafting?

Facial fat grafting may be used in several areas to increase volume or fill in lines. A fat transfer is ideally designed to augment or enhance the mid-face or cheeks so that the area looks lifted and fuller without having to undergo surgery. Additionally, it may also be used as a natural lip filler. A fat transfer to your face may also improve the appearance of pitted acne scars or static wrinkles (for example, marionette lines or nasolabial folds). Dr. Couvillion will develop your custom treatment plan to focus on one or more areas of your face based on your needs and goals.


Fat transfer is a way to add volume, even out unwanted lines, and enhance an aging face. When you desire a more youthful, glowing look with a short recovery time, we encourage you to find out more about fat transfer at SBA Dermatology and learn how it can help you meet your aesthetic goals. It's an outstanding choice for men and women who want a natural enhancement and long-lasting results. Contact our office in Houston, TX today to set up your appointment with Dr. Couvillion.

When it comes to aesthetic plastic surgery, it's important to choose a dedicated surgeon who is committed to your desired surgical goals. To meet with our double board-certified plastic surgeon, Ryan Couvillion, MD and his team, call our office at 713-850-0240.