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miraDry® for Hyperhidrosis

Underarm sweating and bad odors are no longer necessary! In Houston, TX, SBA Dermatology & Plastic Surgery offers miraDry---a proven treatment that uses thermal energy to reduce underarm sweating and odor by as much as 82%. Excessive sweating, called hyperhidrosis in its extreme, affects a very large number of individuals yet is rarely spoken about. People often feel very embarrassed about the condition, but it no longer needs to be an issue thanks to miraDry. If you've ever felt that you could not raise your arms with confidence, been annoyed that your favorite shirts became stained and unwearable, or were disappointed that you couldn't participate in some physical activities due to excessive sweating, this FDA-cleared, clinically proven technology may be right for you.

Interested in a miraDry Consult?

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miraDry also has the added benefit of minimizing the amount of hair, no matter the color, in the underarm area. This effective and safe treatment has been performed successfully on many patients at SBA Dermatology & Plastic Surgery since it was introduced to the market in 2013.

“Most Elite miraDry Status”
“Most Patients Treated in Houston”
“One & Only Diamond Account in Houston”

How Does It Work?

The miraDry system uses thermal energy that targets and destroys the sweat and odor glands in your underarm. Once those glands are destroyed, they don't grow back — so they're gone for good. This noninvasive treatment is done in a physician's office by trained providers and requires minimal downtime.


miraDry's treatment process takes 2 steps. The first will give you significant results and is perfect if you're a "casual" sweater. However, if you suffer from extreme sweating, a second and sometimes, but rarely, a third treatment are needed to give the desired results and the confidence you're looking for. Additional benefits include a marked decrease in odor as well as some permanent hair reduction. Fewer than 10% of patients will need a third treatment to see a full improvement.

The procedure does involve some minimal discomfort, which is alleviated pre-treatment through lidocaine injections at the treatment site. Immediately post-procedure, you can resume your daily activities, although we recommend keeping the area well iced. You may start exercising again after 3 days.

Are There Any Side Effects?

The underarm sweat glands represent only 2% of your body's sweat glands. Therefore, there's been a very low occurrence of increased sweating in other areas. Other side effects, which some may even consider ancillary benefits, include permanent hair reduction and decreased odor. Additionally, some numbness may persist for up to a week post-procedure.

How Long Does It Last?

miraDry is believed to have long-lasting results since sweat glands are not known to regenerate throughout your life.

miraDry FAQs

What is the miraDry® treatment?

miraDry is the first and only FDA-cleared non-surgical treatment that permanently reduces underarm sweat, odor, and hair. Over 300,000 miraDry treatments have been performed globally.

Don’t I need sweat glands?

While your body does need sweat glands to cool itself, your body has 2-4 million sweat glands - only about 2% are found in your underarms.  Eliminating this 2% of sweat glands does not affect your body’s ability to cool itself. With miraDry, you will experience the many benefits of reducing sweat in the underarm area, but you will continue to sweat in other areas of your body.

How does it work?

miraDry uses thermal energy to create heat in the area where bothersome sweat, odor, and hair glands reside and safely eliminates them.

What results can I expect?

You can expect immediate and lasting results.  Once the miraDry treatment eliminates the sweat, odor, and hair glands, they’re gone for good.  Clinical studies show an average of 82% sweat reduction after two treatments. As with any aesthetic treatment results, patient results and experience may vary.

How many treatments will I need?

You can experience a reduction in one treatment. Optimal results are seen after two treatments. However, as with any aesthetic treatment, your physician will determine the best protocol for your desired results.

How long does it take?

How long does it take?

An office visit appointment will generally last about 1.5 hours.

Is there any pain or downtime?

Most patients describe the procedure as painless with little to no downtime.  Local anesthesia is administered to the underarms prior to the treatment for patient comfort.  Most patients experience little to no downtime and return to regular activity (like returning to work) immediately. Exercise is typically resumed within several days. You may experience swelling, numbness, bruising and sensitivity in the underarm area for several days post-treatment.

Are there any side effects?

Some localized soreness or swelling will occur, and typically clears within a few weeks. Some patients have short-term altered sensation in the skin of their underarms or upper arms, which gradually disappears.

How much does it cost?

Pricing can vary depending on the treatment protocol to achieve your desired results and will be discussed during your consultation.

To find out more about miraDry, visit us our Houston office serving Texas. Request a consultation or call our office at 713-850-0240.